Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
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Chloe and I woke up uber early last Sunday and, while the boys were still snoozing away, slipped out to the farmers’ market. Sometimes girls just need a little girl time.

Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin

Chloe pushed the wobbly cart we use to gather all of our food while we snacked on samples and picked out the best looking stuff. The weather in Los Angeles is still blistering hot, so it’s tough to think about buying anything other than summer fruits, but when we hit one of our favorite stands, Windrose Farms, and saw their big baskets of gorgeous apples I got my fall groove on.

Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin

At first I was going to just add sliced apple in the kids’ lunch boxes, but thinking about foods that pair well with apples I was inspired to makes these gluten-free Apple Cheese Wraps, which pair great with Gluten-Free Vegan Oat or Cocodate Cookies. I love combining slices of sweet, crisp apples with a nice piece of salty cheddar cheese and fresh sliced turkey or ham to make these cute little wrapped packages.

As we tip toe into fall, I will bring you more seasonal recipes using apples, apples and more apples so stay tuned and stay cool!

Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin
Apple Cheese Wraps from WeeliciousPin

Apple Cheese Wraps

A perfectly simple snack or lunch that's delicious and kid-approved.
5 from 1 vote
Course: Lunch
Cuisine: American
Servings: 4
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 4 minutes


  • 1 granny smith apple
  • 1 slice lemon
  • 2 slices cheddar cheese, cut in half
  • 2 slices deli turkey or ham, cut in half


  • Slice the apple into 1/2 inch thick slices. Rub the apple with the lemon wedge to prevent from going brown.
  • Slice the cheddar cheese into 1/2 inch wide slices and the ham in 1/2 or in 1/4 (the ham needs to be large enough to wrap around the apple).
  • Place an apple slice and a cheese slice on top of the deli meat and fold over deli meat to wrap.


Calories: 93kcal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 17mg | Sodium: 222mg | Potassium: 98mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 110IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 64mg | Iron: 0.2mg
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About the Author

Catherine is a mama of three. A Kentucky girl living in California. Here’s what I know: all kids can be great eaters and mealtime must be easy. I create simple, healthy recipes the whole family will love.


  1. […] Ham/Turkey, Cheese and Apple Wraps, Veggies, Apple […]

  2. […] the simpler recipes are the best. Kale Asian Pear Salad – The dressing sounds fantastic! Apple Cheese Wraps – great idea for an after-school snack or snacky dinner. Classic Homemade Applesauce – […]

  3. Lemon or Lime juice always works best for me… but honestly, I have found that certain varieties of apples don’t turn brown, or only very slightly change in color! Red delicious and granny smith brown almost instantly, but pink lady, gala, and honey crisp I have noticed don’t change color very fast, or even very much at all.

  4. I have a bazillion apples from apple picking last weekend, so I’ll be putting these cuties in today’s lunch box! Thanks!

  5. My daughter and I really enjoy our girl time together, but it’s usually later in the day since she’s a teen and not so much into rising early;) I love cheese, ham, and apples together and just made a Stromboli with these flavors. What a great idea for lunch or after school snack!

  6. Great idea!!! I have a toddler that likes bread just not the sandwich concept. She will deconstruct her sandwich before she eats it. Definitely going to try this.

5 from 1 vote (1 rating without comment)

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