I have something embarrassing to confess.

I freeze everything, and I mean everything. Case in point I still have the birthday cake I served at my dear friend Alex’s and my joint birthday in May….of 2001. OK, that’s an extreme example that speaks more to how sentimental I am, not to mention being kinda gnarly. My point is that anytime I make something new, I freeze a portion of it to test how it stands up to the freezer so that I can share the results with you. As any time-challenged mom knows, having great food that defrosts and reheats easily can be a lifesaver, so the more freezable foods to make into recipes, the better.

Check this out to find out the 14 surprisingly freezable foods video that you never would have imagined!

14 Surprisingly Freezable Foods VideoPin And here’s the cake I just can’t get myself to toss out. Maybe we’ll give it a try on our next birthday party together. Hmm… I’ve got to the think about that one.

About the Author

Catherine is a mama of three. A Kentucky girl living in California. Here’s what I know: all kids can be great eaters and mealtime must be easy. I create simple, healthy recipes the whole family will love.


  1. I buy organic so I do not want to waste a thing. In order to purchase organic oranges I need to buy a whole bag. I grate the rind for zest, measure it out and put into ice cube trays with water. I squeeze the juice from them and put that into ice cube trays, I then eat the pulp that is left over. I do the same for lemons & lime. I also organic garden. Last year I had an abundant amount of heirloom tomatoes. I did not have time to can them so I put them on a sheet pan and froze them whole. They work great for casseroles and Italian dishes, and the skin slips off nicely.

  2. I freeze anything and everything! I’ll try freezing anything I have too much of or it’s near expiration date – I figure if the item doesn’t freeze great I really haven’t lost much since I would have lost it anyhow!

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