I’m pretty sure my mom used to dread taking my brother and I to the grocery. I don’t know if I can blame her. While I wish I could profess to being an angelic, well behaved child, I’d wager my brother and I were usually at each other’s throats as she wheeled our cart down the aisles, causing a ruckus and wanting to do anything but shop for food.
In attempt to distract us from fighting, I have distinct memories of my mom pointing out different fruits and vegetables to us. One of the most vivid ones was the time she picked up a kiwi, explaining to us that it came from New Zealand (which to us at the time might as well have been Mars) and was very expensive. She bought us one that day (the fighting must have reached a high point) and I savored every single bite. To this day whenever I buy kiwis I think of them as the most exotic of fruits.
Just yesterday at the farmer’s market I bought 5 huge organic kiwis for just two dollars and came home excited to use them in new recipes this week. When my kids were babies I turned them into one of their favorites, Pea Wee Kiwi Pops, and Tropical Fruit Puree. I use them to top Sugar Cookie Pizzas and they always make a simple fruit salad extra special. My favorite way to eat vitamin-rich kiwis, though, is on their own.
Anytime I use kiwis in a recipe readers email me asking everything from how to cut them, to can you eat the skin. I made this short Kiwi Quick Tip Video to answer all those questions and more!
A much faster way to peel a ripe kiwifruit: cut off both ends, insert a spoon between the skin and the fruit, then slide it around the inside of the skin, separating it from the fruit. Doesn’t work if it’s not ripe!
I heard that the kiwi skin sticks to the intestines…..so not to eat them.
Kiwifruit actually comes from China 🙂
I really didnt realize that you could eat the skin. I am going to try and have my daughter and my students when we get kiwis at school try them this way!