This simple carrot puree recipe will make your little one’s taste buds soar, while providing essential nutrients for their growth and development! This simple yet nutritious carrot puree baby food recipe is sure to become a staple in your baby’s diet and makes a great base for many carrot baby food combinations.

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Why Make Homemade Carrot Puree for Baby:

  • Nutrient-rich: Carrot puree is packed with essential vitamins and minerals vital for healthy growth and development.
  • Naturally Sweet: Its naturally sweet flavor appeals to babies’ palates, making it more likely that they’ll enjoy their meal.
  • Easy to Swallow and Digest: The smooth texture of puree makes it easy for little ones to swallow and digest, reducing the risk of choking and discomfort.

How to Make Carrot Puree for Baby

Making a delicious carrot puree for your baby is super simple to do. You don’t need tons of ingredients or tools to do it either! Here’s a step by step for how to make homemade carrot baby food.


  • 2 large carrots
  • Water (for boiling or steaming)
  • Food processor or blender


  1. Prep Carrots: Thoroughly wash and peel the carrots to remove any dirt. Peeling the carrots helps them taste less earthy. 
  2. Chop: Chop the carrots into about 1 inch chunks. 
  3. Cook Carrots Until Tender: 
    • To Steam: Place carrots in a steamer basket over boiling water. Steam for 15-20 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork. The cook time will vary slightly depending on the size of your carrots. 
    • To Boil: Place carrots in a pot and add water until carrots are covered. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes until carrots are fork tender. 
  4. Puree Until Smooth: Transfer the cooked carrots to a food processor or blender and puree carrots until smooth. You may need to add some water to reach your desired consistency. 
  5. Serve: Allow to cool and serve delicious carrot puree to your little one!
How to Make Carrot PureePin

How to Store, Freeze and Thaw Carrot Puree

  • To Store: Carrot puree can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For longer storage, I recommend freezing the baby food.
  • To Freeze: Portion carrot puree into silicone ice cube trays or freezer safe containers. Once frozen solid, you can transfer cubes into larger freezer bags for easier storage. Label and freeze for up to 3 months. 
  • To Thaw: Frozen carrot puree should be thawed in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, immerse the sealed portion in cold water, changing the water every 10-15 minutes until thawed. Lastly, you could thaw in the microwave using the defrost setting and stirring frequently. Reheat gently on the stove or in the microwave before serving.
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Carrot Puree Baby Food FAQs

How Long Do I Boil Carrots for Puree?

  • My first choice in cooking carrots for baby food would be to steam them. Boiling carrots can remove more nutrients than steaming. If you do choose to boil, boil for 15 minutes and save some of the water to add into the puree to add back the nutrients.

When Can I Give Carrot Puree to My Baby?

  • Puree can be one of your baby’s first foods! When your little one starts on solids will depend on their rate of development, but generally comes around 4-6 months.

Can I Add Any Herbs and Spices to This Puree?

  • For sure! You can add a pinch of many different spices to this recipe. My recommendations would be nutmeg, cumin, garlic, thyme, fresh ginger or rosemary.

Carrot Puree Baby Food Combinations

Carrot Puree Baby FoodPin

When it comes to feeding your baby, this puree is a great place to start. It’s simple to make, healthy and your little one will love its naturally sweet taste. Make it your own by adding different herbs and spices or add it to other purees to make delicious combinations! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions and tag me on social media if you make this recipe.


Carrot Puree for Baby

Carrot Puree for your baby is easy to make, packed with essential nutrients and absolutely delicious. A great first food for your little one!
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Course: Baby Food
Cuisine: American
Servings: 6 Servings
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes



  • 2 large carrots peeled and chopped
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cups water (or breast milk or formula)


  • Peel carrots and chop into relatively even chunks. The smaller the carrots, the quicker they will cook.
  • Fill a pot with about an inch of water and place carrots in a steamer basket in the pot. Bring water to a boil, cover and steam carrots for 15-20 minutes or until fork tender. The size of your carrots will determine how long they’ll need to steam.
  • Transfer cooked carrots to a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. Gradually add breast milk, formula or water as needed until the desired consistency is reached.
  • Serve immediately or transfer carrot puree to airtight storage containers to be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days or the freezer for 3 months.


  • To Store: Puree can be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For longer storage, I recommend freezing the baby food.
  • To Freeze: Portion carrot puree into silicone ice cube trays or freezer safe containers. Once frozen solid, you can transfer cubes into larger freezer bags for easier storage. Label and freeze for up to 3 months.
  • To Thaw: Frozen carrot puree should be thawed in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, immerse the sealed portion in cold water, changing the water every 10-15 minutes until thawed. Lastly, you could thaw in the microwave using the defrost setting and stirring frequently. Reheat gently on the stove or in the microwave before serving.


Calories: 10kcal | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 0.2g | Fat: 0.1g | Saturated Fat: 0.01g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.02g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.003g | Sodium: 17mg | Potassium: 77mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 4009IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 8mg | Iron: 0.1mg
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